New York Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Now Have Powerful Voice

At long last, many victims of clergy abuse are now receiving the justice and compensation they deserve for the years of mental and physical torment they’ve been forced to endure. Ever since the infamous 2018 report from a Pennsylvania grand jury, hundreds of victims throughout the country have bravely stepped forth to tell of their horrifying experiences, and are being compensated through either settlements or New York Clergy Abuse Lawsuits . However, do we really know the extent of the problem? According to recent reports, more than 900 clergy who have been credible accused have been left off the Roman Catholic diocesan lists. By coming forth, you stand a better chance of experiencing a sense of closure. Also, you could secure a settlement or jury award for the pain and suffering you’ve been forced to endure. Thus far, the Church has paid more than $3 billion in settlements and monetary awards in civil suits. The average individual payout is between $120,...