More Than 120 New York Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse

Just last year, the New York Archdiocese released a list of 120 priests who have been credibly accused of sex abuse. The move is part of a national movement to expose clergy who have abused their trust for their own selfish desires and needs.

Perhaps even more alarming is the belief that as many as 900 priests may have been omitted from the Catholic Church’s master list of clergy whom have been credibly accused. In fact, well over 100 of the clergy who were left off the lists were found to have been charged with a variety of sex crimes, including rape and solicitation of child pornography.

The New York clergy abuse lawyers with National Injury Help feel the victims of such abuse deserve some form of justice. That’s why we’ve dedicated a team of sex abuse lawyers to help New York victims of clergy sexual abuse obtain the justice and compensation that’s rightfully theirs.

How Do I Find Out if the Priest Who Abused Me is on the List?

Thankfully, the New York Archdiocese has published the names of the accused clergy online. The list contains names of accused clergy who are still awaiting final decisions on claims against them and those who have since died.

What if My Abuse Happened Many Years Ago?

If your abuse occurred in New York, you need to act fast if you intend to make a legal claim.
That’s because last year, Governor Cuomo signed legislation that temporarily lifts the statute of limitations on sex abuse claims. In other words, for a limited time, you can bring a sexual abuse claim against a priest no matter how long ago the abuse occurred.

This limited window of opportunity expires in August 2020.

Why Should I File a Legal Claim?

We realize it can be incredibly difficult to come forward with information that is so personal and psychologically devastating. What we are finding, though, is that those who come forward are often experience a feeling of closure.

While no dollar figure can accurately be affixed to the pain and emotional turmoil you’ve experienced by the abuse, compensation can make living your life easier.

Thus far, more than $3 billion has been awarded to victims of clergy abuse in the U.S. in the form of settlements and monetary awards from courts.

As for the amount, the average ranges from $120,000 to $250,000.

Are Such Legal Cases Only for Instances of Child Sexual Abuse?

No. It’s not only children who have been sexually abused by clergy. In February of this year, a New York grand jury indicted a Rockland County priest for charges of first-degree rape, third-degree rape, three counts of first-degree criminal sexual act and three counts of third-degree sexual act.

The clergy is accused of committing those crimes against two adult women in Rockland County.

If You’ve Been Sexually Abused by Clergy in New York, Call National Injury Help.

There’s simply no reasonable excuse for anyone to commit such a heinous act, much less a clergy who has been granted a high level of trust.

If you’re a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we want to offer you a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

Call us at 800-214-1010. You can also reach us vial email at


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