Sexual Abuse Cases Against Employers


Not all cases involving sexual abuse are confined to strangers or casual acquaintances.  In fact, many Sexual Abuse Lawyers in CA work with clients who have experienced sexual trauma in the workplace.  Employer-related sexual abuse is a much more common problem than most people realize, and the implications can be devastating for someone who depends upon that workplace income to support a family.

Many workplace sexual abuse cases do not appear to be violent or forceful to a casual observer.  In fact, many workplace sexual abuse cases begin with the employer or supervisor being “overly friendly.”  Offers to give the victim a ride home after work, or requests that the victim stay late for special assignments, can be the genesis of a lengthy sexual abuse situation.  The victim, unaware of the employer’s intentions, can innocently accept an offer to become friendlier, never realizing that it may lead to a terrible situation.

Later, after gaining the victim’s trust, the abuser starts to turn into a different person.  Now, the friendly offers to have a drink after work or the hand-picked work assignments become demands, with an ever-increasing menacing tone.  The victim, unaware of how it all happened, finds himself or herself forced to choose between gratifying an abuser or losing a much-needed job.

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse in the workplace, it is time to take action.  National Injury offers you the services of a professional sex abuse lawyer in CA to listen to your story and help you take advantage of the protections the law allows.  We have handled many sexual abuse lawsuits in CA and will work hard for you to recover your dignity and protect your income.  Give us a call today to learn how we can help you break the cycle of abuse and protect yourself and your family from further harm. 


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