Sexual Abuse Victims find Closure Through Legal Action

The sex abuse lawyers with National Injury Help are standing by to help victims abused by people trusted with authority.

Whether the accused is a clergy, Boy Scout leaders, school officials or nursing home personnel, complaints of sexual abuse must be taken seriously. In addition to that, the National Injury Help lawyers are here to comfort the victims as they come forward, and to help them get the justice and compensation they deserve.

The Scope of the Problem
The problem of sexual abuse by those in authority has long been one of societies worst kept secrets. Institutions accustomed to enjoying the unquestioned trust of the public have suddenly found their own organizations in headlines they’d rather not see.

It’s estimated that as many as 8,000 Boy Scout leaders have been credibly accused of sexual abuse.
Roughly 10,000 clergy have been credibly accused of sexually abusing children entrusted in their care.

What “Credibly Accused” Means
Even though there’s no formal definition of the term, being “credibly accused” means your claims have some merit. If you decide to bring forth a legal claim, you and your personal injury attorney will need to prove that the person you’re accusing is more likely to be guilty than not.

For these types of cases, an investigation by law enforcement is not necessary. This is essential as it mean you won’t have to relive the horror of your abuse while holding the abuser accountable.
This is a civil lawsuit, which puts you in the driver’s seat in terms of how the case will unfold.

Compensation Can Provide Closure
We fully realize that no price can be appropriately connected to the horrors you’ve endured because of the abuse. What we have seen, though, is that the process of filing a legal claim itself is therapeutic for many victims.

Thus far, billions of dollars have been awarded to victims of abuse by clergy, Boy Scout leaders, teachers and others.

In the case of the clergy abuse, the average settlement offer has been between $125,000-$250,000.
You can choose to join a class action lawsuit to collectively hold abusers accountable or you can file your own claim.

A Minnesota judge recently approved a $34 million settlement with a group of clergy abuse survivors there.

The disadvantage of a class action lawsuit is that downside of a class action lawsuit is that there’s only one decision made in the case. Each victim will receive the same amount of money – regardless of their individual injuries.

How National Injury Help Can Assist You by Getting the Compensation You Deserve

We understand the difficulty many survivors of sexual abuse live with every day. That’s why we’re very cautious in guiding you through the process.

Many clients who have come forward tell us the sense of relief they experience by simply talking with someone else about their ordeal.

For most, it’s not about the money. It’s about experiencing a sense of closure. If the money helps as you get on with the rest of your life, fine.

To speak about a Sex Abuse Lawyer or to simply discuss your options, get in touch with National Injury Help by calling 800-214-1010. You can also reach us vial email at


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